Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2 Malls, Ikea and a Bookstore...

Today marks the first anniversary of me going to the gym yesterday. To celebrate what else could I do but to go again. Me and Dad went there and did the exercise bike for thirty minutes. My legs have felt like meatballs for the rest of the day... which happened to be totally appropriate because we ended up going to Ikea later this afternoon (meatballs, Ikea... get it? Bad joke.) But, before that we had to take the cat in to the vet to get some forms signed in preparation for her flight tomorrow. You would normally think a veterinarian would be a friendly guy who tries to make the patients and their families feel calm and welcome but, this particular veterinarian isn't like that. As Ayumi says though, he seems to be very careful on what he is doing though and in our case wants to make sure every step has been followed. Well, after forty-five minutes there we took off to meet our friend Yuri for lunch and Ikea.

We were running a bit late due to the vet but met Yuri. We wanted to take her to a little restaurant Ayumi and I are quite fond of; Caputo's downtown. When we got there we saw a long line running about fifteen feet out of the door. We decided to pass on Caputo's and headed for the Gateway where we ate lunch at California Pizza and did a little bit of shopping. After Ikea we ended picking up Akio and the four of us headed over to Barnes and Noble where we sat for two hours talking and reading magazines.

Somewhere over the course of the day Ayumi mentioned to me that I should maybe consider surfing in Japan (if I am spot that would allocate it). If possible I think I'd like to try it. Reading those magazines today (mostly men's fitness and art magazines) I realized I really need to find a hobby. It would be nice if surfing (or something else I can take seriously) could become so. Looking at myself now the closest thing I have to a hobby would be singing every Sunday. The only other thing would be video games but, I'm kind of embarrassed to claim that as a hobby. Mainly because it should be classified as more of a waste of time more than anything. Still no news of where I am headed... keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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