Me baby, me! Yes, this ol' miser finally let common sense get to him and went out and got a haircut. As you'll see in some of the pictures later in this post, I was getting a bit shaggy. It's not that shaggy hair is bad or anything but, I suffer from UHGS (Uncontrollable Hair Growth Syndrome) which means the hair on my head grows at different speeds depending on the zones of my head. The sides and back grow really fast while, the hair on the top likes to take it's time and is in absolutely no rush to come out and present itself. As a result, I start to get this really cute mullet in the back, mad scientist hair on the sides and the world famous AJ up-doo in the front. So, I'm thinking of growing out my hair a bit but, realizing there is a stylish way to do so, opted to go get it cut and see what happens. Well, as you can see in the picture... I probably look like I did when you last all saw me. True but, now I've got this sportin' cool haircut which is like a faux-hawk extreme. If there is such a thing as a stylish mullet... I am on that path. Well, it looks cool but, I think its more Japanese than American. Well, I'm split right down the middle so I'll wear this for a while as I keep growing out the top. It's hard for me to go anywhere here without making a big deal out of it so, for the enjoyment of those reading my blog, I snapped a few shots in the parlour so you can see mine and Ayumi's new cuts.
This week we had some festivals at the schools but, I've got to run now and catch another so... I'll post later with some pictures of that. In the meantime... enjoy my new haircut!
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