Sunday, October 14, 2007

Something wrong with my computer

So this week at the schools in Japan is what I figure to be the equivalant of mid-terms. As a result the teachers are busy making tests and as a precaution, no student is allowed to set foot inside the teachers office. Another nice side-effect of this is that other than two classes which I taught this morning, I am off the hook as far as teaching goes this week. Tomorrow at Suisan, I need to lend my voice to a tape recorder so they can record some listening comprehension questions for the tests but, other than that nothing. Now, if I am a good boy I will spend all this free time at school studying Japanese for a big language comprehension test coming up in December. I have been busy today with preparations for tomorrow nights adult English conversation class that Shelley and I teach but, having that done, an no desire to study, I thought I would seize this oppourtunity and fill in my blog.

As I wrote last week, Ayumi and I have caught some nasty colds. On the scale of judging colds from good to bad I am not quite sure where nasty lies but, from the way we have been feeling, its near the top. It all started a week ago last Saturday; Ayumi and I had gone to Suisan's school festival. We went, had a great time and some good food. Upon getting home we both crashed on the futons and unintentionally took a two hour nap. Waking up I felt a little queasy. You know before you get sick you can feel it coming one? That is how I felt. By night, my body was warm and nose starting to run. Sunday spent the whole day in bed. Monday and Tuesday were days off too... spent bundled up with a red nose and a box of tissues. Ayumi had the same symptoms but followed a day behind me. Well, now here we are a week and a half later. Better but, still sick. I'm still need to blow my nose quite often, and every time I cough (which is now only once an hour or so) I am coughing up the junk in my lungs. This cold has been going around. I've watched it skip from one teacher to the other, anticipating my turn. The only good thing that can come out of this is knowing, whatever is going around, I've already caught it and don't need to worry about getting it again.

Lately I have started reading Japanese comic books to help improve my language. I am currently reading a series called Dragon Ball which is pretty popular and has been consistantly written since the late eighties. The comic book is intended for elementary level where I gauge my reading ability (at the very bottom of that list). So far, I am on issue 17. If you google Dragon Ball, you can see some pictures. Altough not very popular in the states, they are fairly familiar.

In the neighboring city is an English man who runs with his Japanese wife an English conversation class. They have given Ayumi a phamplet which needs to be transulated from Japanese into English so, that is what Ayumi has been doing lately. With the seaons changing, I would like to get out and do some running. The other week, at the school sports festival I barley ran at all and pulled muscles in both of my calves. Afraid to do it again... I am afraid to run. I guess that is what stretching is for.

As I mentioned in the title, something has been wrong with my computer lately. Nothing serious but, I have a lot of picutres I have taken over the past little while I would like to post on the blog however, when I try and make a slideshow on picasa, there is some error where it loops me through the password entry screen again and again and again...
I think it is my browswer I am using but, too lazy to check it out. That will be my goal between now and the next entry.

Amyways, thanks for all those who read my blog.

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