Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So, I ran my burglar story through a couple of Japanese last night, just before I ran them through with my sword. Not really but, last night I taught my (now bi-) monthly English conversation class and after using my story as a listening activity the students there too thought the details of my experience were a bit odd and the vagrant most likely was not there just to be a "prospective" renter. I still feel a bit bad, but it is just the good AJ inside being a wimp. The evil AJ is still telling me I should have struck her down, kicked her a few times and then dragged her by her hair to the police station. Everyone I talk to seems to agrees with me.

I named the title of this post marooned. In fact, I just thought I would name it that as I started this paragraph. I have always like the idea of being marooned as long as it is a deserted island or a new planet, none of that leaving me in the parking lot of Walmart, forcing me to walk home crap. Just the idea of being alone, having to rely on yourself, building huts and finding your own food sounds fun. That is regarding the deserted island. For the foreign planet... don't know but, have read enough sci-fi to know what to do; being shoot first and ask questions later.

I once read a book by Ray Bradbury called the Martian Chronicles about man reaching and settling on Mars. Anyways, there are a few short stories in there about desolation on the planet which made the whole prospect sound pretty excitin'. Cool picture don't you think?

Can you tell I am bored?

So in December is the Japanese proficiency test which I would like to take again. Last year I took the level two test and this year I am going to aim for the level one. If I can pass the level one I can probably secure a good job here in this country if that so beith my wish- and start playing video games in English again.

Ayumi is on her way home today and as a little suprise decided to bring her whole family. I guess they want to see the beach (and I do too). No problem but, I can't honestly say that I left the house in "Lets bring over guests" condition. Both days I was alone, I was gone most of the day only to come home and park it in front of the computer. All I ate was two peaches and some toast so, I really don't think it is that bad. Not dirty but, messy. I guess you'll find out in tomorrows blog.

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