Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Its Been a Rather Ordinary Day

Not much to comment on today. Not much happened nor do I have any tokens of wisdom that I really feel like I can share... not that I have any at all. I'm sure I'll find something to rant about.

5 minutes later: ...nothing

10 minutes later: ...nothing

15 minutes later: ...nothing

20 minutes later: So, I've got these cousins in Japan who live in Osaka. Not through my wife but through my uncle. Through e-mail Ayumi and I have been keeping contact with them on and off. using the word contact is being very generous. I'll send the occasional e-mail saying something like, "Hi, how are you guys? We are all good here" and about a week later I'll get a reply... "We're all doing good here. Say hi to everyone for us." I hope by going to Mie, and being as close as we are going to be (an hour best-case scenario) we'll be able to make some sort of contact. I told our oldest cousin Lisa (23 yrs?) I'm moving to Mie and she sounded really excited... or maybe I should say sounded rearry excited! I'm excited to see them. The only memory I have of them was in '95 at a family reunion. One of the girls mentioned that she can remember playing with us cousins and swimming in our aunts swimming pool. I've got a DVD that Nana and Poppy gave me a few years ago which I intend on copying to VHS and giving them. I think they would like to videos of thier dad when he was growing up. I'll update the blog as events with them unfold. Maybe one day I'll get a picture of us all together.

Today in my spare time (I hardly know where to find it these days) I made a wallet out of an old oreo wrapper and electrical tape. Looks pretty good... and shiny. The outside was the silver metallic wrapper on the inside of the box. You'll see on the inside (through the window where the drivers lisence shows) the oreo label. I'm suprised how good it looks...what a waste of two hours. (-_-,)

Lately strange things have been happening around here with our computer... we sold our desktop to Ayumi's friend so we've both been using the laptop the past couple of days.
Weird thing 1) Neither of us can change the homepage in our explorers. I know... weird huh?
Weird thing 2) My cell phone won't send pictures to my e-mail. Yea, I was thinking strange too!
Weird thing 3) Every morning when I wake up there is this weird patch of blood dripping down from the ceiling.

I hope to have more to write about tomorrow.

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