Sunday, July 22, 2007

Back From a Little Break

Well, I didn't go anywhere just, neglected to write anything the past few days. I have been busy this past week. Not doing difficult things or anything but, realizing how little time I have I've been trying to spend it with those around me. Last night my dad, brothers, Thatcher and I all went up to the cabin for the second annual "Boys Night Out". Although only three of us ended up staying the night there, a fun time was had by all. I think I've said this before but, the hardest part about leaving is leaving my family. However, knowing Ayumi is on the other side waiting for me makes it all worth it. I was telling those present last night that, although I love them and will miss them, Ayumi takes priority... as I hope it would be in all relationships. When I entered the MTC years ago, I can remember leaving teary-eyed thinking to myself, how am I going to do this..? Later that night, amongst a crowd of crying missionaries, the MTC president said something along the lines of its ok to be sad... it means you love people and people love you.

I think I've had too much time to anticipate it and just need to go. I'm super excited for Japan though and really, really, really excited to see Ayumi.

So, update on the found movie, "The Loved One". I think I can put this mystery to rest. I believe that that movie was indeed the one which has been haunting my memory all these past years. The funny thing is, it wasn't anything that I expected it to be. Wasn't sci-fi-ish or anything. Weird story though about this reverend who pretty much has a cult and wants to launch bodies into space. More of a 1960's comedy than anything. Fun none-the-less.

Friday night, I found myself waiting in line with my brother, uncle and some neighbors for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows. I don't even know what a hallow is and am afraid to look it up (I'm trying to avoid spoilers at every cost). I wonder how many thousands of other blogs around the world are using this same picture in their blogs..?

Five days to go.

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